Runtime profiles


Runtime profiles are configuration sets which can be assigned to specific pipeline steps. They allow for fine-tuning the pod configuration by setting resource requirements or node selectors, as well adding additional information via labels and annotations, among other things. The runtime profiles are Kubernetes custom resources that can be created in the cluster by the administrator. After creation they can be used in the pipelines by all the users. If a pipeline step uses a runtime profile, the specification details of the profile will be copied to the pipeline step pod.


Below is an example of a runtime profile YAML manifest, using all of the possible configuration fields.

kind: RuntimeProfile
  name: example
  serviceAccountName: myuser
  imageBuilder: buildkit
  nodeSelector: iceci-builder
    example/annotation: myvalue
    example/label: myvalue
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 128Mi
      cpu: "1"
      memory: 128Mi

Creating and using runtime profiles

Runtime profiles can only be created directly inside the cluster by an administrator. To create a profile, simply prepare the YAML manifest and run kubectl apply.

To apply a runtime profile inside your step, add the runtimeProfile parameter to your step definition in .iceci.yaml

- name: step1
  runtimeProfile: myprofile
    image: busybox
    script: "echo 'Hello world!'"

Runtime profile schema

As mentioned, runtime profiles are Kubernetes custom resources and as such, at the top level, they follow the standard CRD schema.

apiVersion: string

The API version of the CRD. The value that should be used is

kind: string

The kind of the CRD. The value that should be used is RuntimeProfile

metadata: map[string]string

The metadata of the CRD. Should contain the name field, but additional values can be added if needed.

spec: Object

The specification of the runtime profile. It may contain any of the following.

serviceAccountName: string

The name of the service account that will be used to run the pipeline step pod.

imageBuilder: string

Name of the library that will be used to build Docker images in ContainerBuild steps. The possible values are kaniko and buildkit. If this parameter isn’t provided, all builds are done using kaniko.

nodeSelector: map[string]string

A map of node labels that will be used to determine which node pipeline step pod will be scheduled onto. This field follows the structure of the Kubernetes native node selector. For more information on node selectors, see the node selector section in the Kubernetes documentation.

annotations: map[string]string

A map of annotations that will be added to the pipeline step pod. For more information on annotations, see the annotations section in the Kubernetes documentation.

labels: map[string]string

A map of labels that will be added to the pipeline step pod. For more information on labels, see the labels section in the Kubernetes documentation.


The iceci/* prefix is used internally by IceCI for both annotations and labels and shouldn’t be used in runtime profiles. Any annotations or labels in the runtime profile spec starting with this prefix will be ignored and won’t be added to the pod.

resources: Object

A set of resource requirements that will be added to the pipeline step pod. This field follows the structure of the Kubernetes native resource requirements. For more information on resource requirements, see the managing resources for containers section in the Kubernetes documentation.